Monday, April 4, 2011

** Getting ready for Paint!!!

few progress pic's of body prep........

passenger wing and door nearly done

there was 4 spots of rust where the boot seal goes down , 
I posted two pic's of before we cut out the rusty metal and here is them two repaired with new metal and being sanded down..

but there is still two more spots on the other side that we just cut out tonight...

the rest is being sanded down....

while sanding I found a small spot on the back panel and a nasty little bit behind where the ecu would be, but all in not too bad for a 25 y/o shell!!?
so them two bits will be sorted now as well.

wheel rims back next weekend

1 comment:

  1. Bit random bit did you ever take that badge off that grill ? I'm looking for a twincam16 badge
